Brea Landscaping

Brea's Premier Landscaping Solutions



Lawn Care

lawn care service for brea landscaping

Lawn Care Throughout the Year

A professional lawn care service plays a vital role in maintaining the health and vibrancy of your lawn throughout the year.

With a comprehensive approach that addresses key factors such as soil health, proper mowing techniques, fertilization, weed control, pest management, and seasonal adjustments, lawn care services ensure that your lawn remains green, lush, and healthy in every season. Here's what a lawn care service will do to keep your lawn green and healthy all year round.

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  1. Lawn Inspection: A professional lawn care service will begin by conducting a thorough inspection of your lawn to assess its current condition and identify any issues such as thatch buildup, compacted soil, or winter damage.

  2. Aeration: If necessary, the lawn care service will perform core aeration to alleviate soil compaction and improve air, water, and nutrient penetration into the root zone. This promotes healthy root growth and enhances the overall health of the lawn.

  3. Overseeding: To fill in bare patches and promote a thick, lush lawn, the lawn care service may overseed the lawn with high-quality grass seed selected for its compatibility with your climate and soil conditions.

  4. Fertilization: Spring is an ideal time to apply a balanced fertilizer to provide essential nutrients for healthy grass growth. The lawn care service will select a fertilizer formulation based on soil test results and specific nutrient needs.

  5. Weed Control: Early spring is also a critical time for weed prevention and control. The lawn care service will apply pre-emergent herbicides to prevent the germination of weed seeds and post-emergent herbicides to control existing weeds.



  1. Regular Mowing: Throughout the summer months, the lawn care service will maintain a regular mowing schedule to keep the grass at the optimal height for health and appearance. Proper mowing techniques, such as mowing at the correct height and frequency, help prevent stress and promote strong root growth.

  2. Watering Management: In hot, dry weather, the lawn care service will monitor soil moisture levels and adjust irrigation schedules as needed to ensure the lawn receives adequate water. Deep, infrequent watering promotes deep root growth and drought resistance.

  3. Fertilization: Mid-summer is another opportunity to apply a slow-release fertilizer to replenish nutrients and sustain healthy grass growth throughout the season. The lawn care service will select a fertilizer formulation tailored to the specific needs of your lawn.

  4. Weed and Pest Control: Summer is prime time for weed growth and pest activity. The lawn care service will continue to monitor for weeds and apply targeted herbicides as needed. They will also inspect for signs of pests such as grubs, chinch bugs, and sod webworms and implement appropriate control measures.



  1. Aeration: In early fall, the lawn care service may perform another round of core aeration to further improve soil health and prepare the lawn for winter dormancy.

  2. Overseeding: Fall is the ideal time for overseeding to thicken the lawn and repair any bare or thin areas. The lawn care service will select a high-quality grass seed blend suited to your climate and soil conditions.

  3. Fertilization: Late fall is an opportune time to apply a winterizing fertilizer to provide essential nutrients for root development and cold tolerance. The lawn care service will choose a fertilizer formulation with high potassium content to promote winter hardiness.

  4. Leaf Removal: Throughout the fall, the lawn care service will remove fallen leaves promptly to prevent smothering of the grass and promote air circulation and sunlight penetration.



  1. Winterization: In preparation for winter, the lawn care service will conduct a final inspection and apply a winterizing fertilizer to nourish the grass roots and promote resilience to cold temperatures and winter stress.

  2. Snow Removal: If snowfall occurs, the lawn care service may offer snow removal services to keep pathways and driveways clear and prevent damage to the lawn from heavy snow buildup.

  3. Year-Round Monitoring: Even in the dormant season, the lawn care service will continue to monitor your lawn for signs of disease, pest infestations, or other issues that may require attention.

By implementing a comprehensive lawn care program that addresses the specific needs of your lawn throughout the year, a professional lawn care service ensures that your lawn remains green, healthy, and beautiful in every season. With their expertise, experience, and commitment to excellence, you can enjoy a lush and vibrant lawn that enhances the beauty and value of your property year-round.

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